Orion Sales and Trading Limited is targeting companies involved in the design, manufacture, import/export, and sales of jewellery products. Key client groups include wholesalers and retailers; sectors which have different demands and hurdles to increase sales. Our opportunity is to bring international knowledge and experience to the sector,

Our company is committed to growing sales and marketing techniques with clients and increasing their market share through training and consultancy services.

Our target audience are:

  • Diamond and Gold Retailers

  • Precious stone jewellers

  • Designers

  • Boutique designers and producers

  • Wholesalers and manufacturers

  • Importers and exporters

  • e-Commerce companies selling jewellery

Orion Sales and Trading Limited is an official representer of Turkish Jewellery Exporters’ Association (JTR) in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Jewellery Exporters’ Association (JTR) is an official and non-profit institutions which operate under the supervision of the Turkish Ministry of Trade and the Turkish Exporters’ Assembly. The organization represents more than 3.000 Jewellery exporter companies and Jewellery industry of Turkey all around the world.


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